What are megaliths made of?

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Re: What are megaliths made of?

Postby Mick Harper » 2:20 pm

The Megalithic Empire is rather scathing on the Saracen theory:

Standing stones are also known as sarsens, a word that repays closer scrutiny. The Oxford English Dictionary claims sarsen is a “variation of Saracen” implying that the local yokels believed that some Muslim knights popped over and erected their ancient monuments when nobody was looking, but perhaps it is only the OED that believes in these kinds of unlikely explanation, as it so often does because its entire etymological paradigm is frankly hopeless. On the other hand, if ‘Saracen’ refers to a different set of Phoenicians, the ones of the Bronze Age who might have set up the original system, then that would make rather more sense. To Cornish tinners the term ‘Saracen’ just meant ‘foreigner’, someone prohibited by law from advancing inland.
Mick Harper
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Re: What are megaliths made of?

Postby Mick Harper » 2:30 pm

However if you'd like to find out why
the OED ... believes in these kinds of unlikely explanations .... its entire etymological paradigm is frankly hopeless

you'll have to read The History of Britain Revealed/The Secret History of the English Language by one M J Harper, who claims that English doesn't derive from Anglo-Saxon at all but is in fact the aboriginal language of the British Isles and therefore most OED etymological explanations ('from Old English', 'from Norse', 'from Norman French' etc) are complete bollocks (Aboriginal English, vulgar, non-standard).
Mick Harper
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Re: What are megaliths made of?

Postby Jools » 3:23 pm

Mick Harper wrote: McDonalds is not the first chain to feature in this story. In the sixties, when drawing leylines on OS maps was all the rage, somebody produced a map of Watney pubs in London and showed that they lined up on a scale that could not be accounted for by chance. It turned out that the thickness of a pencil line on a scale of 1:50,000 was skewing the results.

Ironically, it may turn out there was a smidgeon of truth to it after all since (according to The Megalithic Empire anyway) not only are pubs often sited on roads-that-used-to-be-leylines but Watneys is a member of the 'beerage' that have been running Britain since ... oh, you know, whenever.

In the book it's claimed that the A4 follows the course of a prehistoric road linking the Thames to the Severn. Travelling to London from Reading it's amazing how many breweries there are. Some, like the Griffin Brewery at Hogarth's Roundabout, probably qualify as listed buildings. These are not coaching inns but presumably the old Bath Road accounts for their ubiquity.
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Re: What are megaliths made of?

Postby Boreades » 11:45 am

I've been looking at the list of speakers for Megalithomania (in Glastonbury on 18th - 19th May 2013)



Confirmed yet?

Anyway, one of the other speakers is Maria Wheatley

Using highly sensitive electromagnetic detecting equipment, Maria Wheatley, Rodney Hale and Busty Taylor successfully located and recorded the strong electromagnetic signals which are emitted by the standing stones.


They claim to be the first to have measured EMG from megaliths, but by chance I have a book called "Tuning in to Nature" written in 1977 by Philip Callaghan on insect molecular bioelectronics, short wavelength IR and microwave frequencies. As emitted by standing stones.

See http://gap.entclub.org/taxonomists/Callahan/index.html
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Re: What are megaliths made of?

Postby Mick Harper » 12:28 pm

Yes, it has been confirmed. You are all excused attendance on the grounds of the ninety-five notes charged to gerrin.
Mick Harper
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Re: What are megaliths made of?

Postby Ajai » 3:57 pm

A well-respected megalith-maniac, Paul Devereux, has been conducting experiments at the Rollrights for years, if not decades, without results it would seem, but at least he's not a fraud like Wheatley et al.

The Russians have been studying electro-magnetism for even longer than Devereux, in a top-secret location somewhere in Siberia. You have been warned.
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Re: What are megaliths made of?

Postby Boreades » 4:17 pm

Ajai wrote:A well-respected megalith-maniac, Paul Devereux, has been conducting experiments at the Rollrights for years, if not decades, without results it would seem, but at least he's not a fraud like Wheatley et al.

Just wondering why she's a fraud?

Ajai wrote:The Russians have been studying electro-magnetism for even longer than Devereux, in a top-secret location somewhere in Siberia. You have been warned.

The Russians have always been studying EM in any number of top-secret locations somewhere. But why would they bother with megaliths?
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Re: What are megaliths made of?

Postby Boreades » 4:32 pm

Mick Harper wrote: To Cornish tinners the term ‘Saracen’ just meant ‘foreigner’, someone prohibited by law from advancing inland

How do we know they were prohibited? Would these have been Stannary Parliament laws?

Something doesn't quite ring true, because some tin workings were right down to the sea, or besides known ports. Unless some ports were closed to "foreigners" and there was a megalithic version of HM Border Agency rummaging all incoming vessels.

Or do we assume traders were welcome to moor their boats and trade, but not allowed to get near the actual sources?
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Re: What are megaliths made of?

Postby Jacqui » 4:28 pm

The closeness of Saracen and sarsen reflects a certain Oriental mystique that somehow attached itself to megaliths. It may have started in the Middle Ages when all manner of alchemical and scientific experiments were said to have been come from 'Saracen' sources (via the Crusades probably). Nowadays people like Roger Bacon, Gerbert de Aurillac (who became Pope Sylvester II), Roger Grosseteste, Albertus Magnus are considered brilliant early scientists but in their time they were seen as occultists.
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Re: What are megaliths made of?

Postby Marko » 7:05 pm

Taylor and Wheatley (and no doubt a great many other Megalitho-maniacs) seem to think they have all the answers to megaliths. To people with even a smidgeon of scepticism they seem pretty unscientific, perhaps self-deluded rather than fraudulent.

In the link that Boreades provided they admit they are setting out to prove beyond reasonable doubt that energy lines and I don't know what else really exist. It is not hard to find what you expect to find. Still, I expect the god particle will manifest itself at Cerne, eventually.
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