Scilly Isles and Cornwall

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Re: Scilly Isles and Cornwall

Postby TisILeclerc » 9:41 pm

Here's an interesting video by Time Team examining the chapel on St Michael's Island at Looe, its counterpart on the mainland opposite and Glastonbury.

They find that the original chapels are much older and have Roman coins and other ancient stuff including skeletons buried before the mediaeval churches were built.

As a conclusion Robinson tells us that they probably saw traders coming from the Mediterranean in the Bronze Age etc.

One point of interest he raises is that their findings show that the churches and chapels were sited there because of the previous structures showing a continuity of purpose. And not to make it easy for pilgrims as had previously been thought.
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Re: Scilly Isles and Cornwall

Postby Boreades » 10:13 pm

Tis interesting for sure.

Many of the other websites that reference this say things like :
"The remains of much earlier Romano-British chapels built of wood with dating evidence suggesting use by Christians before the reign of Constantine the Great."

We might say WTF has Constantine the Great got to do with Looe Island?
The answer is that these probably weren't Roman Christians.

As a side note, it's worth noting that Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus Augustus was acclaimed as Emperor by the Roman army at Eboracum (Modern-day York)

Battling the Brits seems to have done wonders for the careers of Roman Caesars and Emperors.
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Re: Scilly Isles and Cornwall

Postby TisILeclerc » 7:02 am

Constantine was a Yorkshireman. I thought everyone knew that.

When he lived in his cardboard box he had ambitions. Bah gum lad but he did well didn't he?

Battling the Brits? Aye what t'Brits did fer t'Romans. Rather like the Knights Templar in reverse.

If you go to the Bar Convent, or Eeh Bah Convent to those in the know, in York you'll find a bust of Constantine hiding behind the door to the museum.

It's quite a nice place if you are ever there. Built in memory of Mary Ward the famous recusant it is run by nuns. Right bloody funny nuns as some would say. But it's a good place to stay and they've got a pretty good restaurant.

And you can always look at the bust of Constantine and say to yourself, 'I wonder what ever happened to him?' Local lad made good.
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Re: Scilly Isles and Cornwall

Postby Boreades » 2:09 pm

Yet another Celtic Saint's Well is on the market, at St Breward, Cornwall ... d=5885&m=1

In all the grounds extend to approximately 12 acres. Within one of the wooded section lies the Listed holy well of St James.


What is going on? Is the market being flooded with wells (sic)? Or is every well in Cornwall a saint's well?
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Re: Scilly Isles and Cornwall

Postby TisILeclerc » 3:42 pm

Perhaps one of the jobs of a saint was water divining. Or even divining for minerals?

When Moses found the water at Meribeh-Rephidim and Meribeh-Kadesh, in the wilderness of Zin, he had received the Almighty's command: "Go before the people and take with thee the elders of Israel, and thy rod wherewith thou smotest the river; take it in thine hand and go. Behold, I will stand before thee upon the rock in Horeb, and thou shalt smite the rock, and then shall come water out of it, that the people may drink; and Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel." ... 5020-h.htm
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Re: Scilly Isles and Cornwall

Postby Boreades » 4:17 pm

Tut, these Celtic Saints, coming over here and taking our Druids jobs, there ought to be a law against it...
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Re: Scilly Isles and Cornwall

Postby TisILeclerc » 4:26 pm

The article goes on to mention sourciers in France.

From which we get the word sorcerer. A 'source' in French is a spring and it was the job of the sourcier or souciere to find the water.

This activity would have gone on long before the church appeared. When it did it would be much better to grant these ancient water finders the status of sainthood within the church rather than condemn them as being witches or magicians.

Which is perhaps why the word sorcerer is used to attack those outside the church working freelance as sourciers?
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Re: Scilly Isles and Cornwall

Postby Boreades » 4:51 pm

That article has an appealing and supportive sub-title

Virgula Divina--Baculus Divinatorius (Water-Witching)
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Re: Scilly Isles and Cornwall

Postby TisILeclerc » 5:05 pm

It goes on to quote from the Chambers Cyclopedia:

[From Chamber's Cyclopedia.]

The Divining Rod—often called the Virgula Divina, the Baculus Divinatorius, the Caduceus, or Wand of Mercury, the Rod of Aaron, etc.—is a forked branch, usually of hazel, sometimes of iron, or even brass or copper, by which it has been pretended that minerals and water have been discovered beneath the surface of the earth.

The website claims that Homer also calls a diving rod a Caduceus in the Oddesey.

In his monumental work "The Oddesy" Homer also called the dowsing rod the Caduceus, which was passed from Apollo (or Hermes) to Asclepious, the ancient Greek God of healing. This mystical, legendary staff with its entwined serpents has become the universal symbol of healing, used by medical societies around the planet
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Re: Scilly Isles and Cornwall

Postby Boreades » 8:58 pm

I can find no fault with the authors' opening words.

I have always observed that when any novelty is presented for the consideration of man, which is not readily proven by already well known scientific laws, or which may not be demonstrated by the knowledge and power of most persons, it is found extremely difficult, if not impossible, to gain the attention of the devotee of science. Whether, indeed, it be from lack of interest, from incredulity, or from the fear of ridicule, or from any other cause, we look with distrust upon anything which is not in harmony with our preconceived ideas or theories, and we are apt to raise the cry of humbug or superstition, and reject, with a contemptuous assumption of superiority as unbelievers, propositions which properly put to the test might prove of value to mankind.

Happily for us a wise Providence has not ordained that all minds shall plough in a single furrow of the great field of knowledge. Some, therefore, believe nothing but what they see, and frequently doubt the evidence of their own senses. Others believe everything they see and nearly everything they hear, and seize with too great credulity upon every new thing presented to them. There are others who disbelieve nothing that is presented to them, however apocryphal, without full and impartial investigation, aided not by testimony alone, but by actual demonstration. Again, there are men who are afraid to investigate, lest the world should call them visionary; these are always prepared to apologize for examining anything outside the mere routine of their special science. But the most frequent error of mankind is to doubt and ridicule, without investigation, everything which is not commonly received. To such I would cite the pungent words of Solomon: "He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is a folly and a shame unto him."

He suggests dowsing is an electromagnetic phenomena; I concur. Since water flowing underground must contain some ionised molecules, and it is flowing through the earth's magnetic field, then by definition it must generate an electromagnetic field. The only questions then are how strong that field is, and what kind of people are the most sensitive to changes in the local field strengths as they move through it.
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