Megalithic Calendar

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Re: Megalithic Calendar

Postby TisILeclerc » 10:23 pm

Isn't it the one where Venus and Mars start fighting and bashing into the earth or something like that. And once everything settles down the natives see a different sky. So they start trying to find out what the new sky is all about.

And because of the new tilt of the earth when the seasons will come etc.
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Re: Megalithic Calendar

Postby Mick Harper » 11:01 pm

Oh yes, that. Nothing about lining up Aldebaran though. Velikovsky never explained why, even if he was correct, everybody was at it. I know you're being flippant but it's worth pointing out that Velikovsky was 'silenced' by the British publishing firm of Macmillan.
Mick Harper
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Re: Megalithic Calendar

Postby Bmblbzzz » 12:30 pm

Obviously you can get any two objects lined up. Like ley lines! Seems more than a coincidence though if all these passages line up with the same star. Though of course all that means is they're all pointing in the same direction; they're lined up with something but not necessarily a star or even any physical object (it might just be a direction, like maps having north – current convention – at the top).

As to why you'd want to line up with a star, I don't know. Direction finding, like the (a) pole star? Calendar, either for rites like Easter or Ramadan, or for history and record keeping: "It was 52 days after that star first appeared that we fought the battle / Thog's first son was born... " ?
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Re: Megalithic Calendar

Postby Mick Harper » 12:53 pm

Well, let's examine this (moderately orthodox) line of reasoning.
Obviously you can get any two objects lined up. Like ley lines!

True, but not three points.
Seems more than a coincidence though if all these passages line up with the same star.

By your own reasoning, you would only need one passage grave for this purpose. Why bother with the others?
Though of course all that means is they're all pointing in the same direction; they're lined up with something but not necessarily a star or even any physical object (it might just be a direction, like maps having north – current convention – at the top).

Christian graves (Jerusalem) and perhaps Muslim graves (Mecca) point east but it is noticeable in all these cases that geographical accuracy is not necessary. The general intent is good enough. How precisely aligned one to another are these?
As to why you'd want to line up with a star, I don't know. Direction finding, like the (a) pole star?

Hardly since you've got the pole star! Nobody ever explains how any of this (except the pole star) actually assists in practical navigation. Aldebaran rising could show latitude but how does several burial mounds in nowheresville help?
Calendar, either for rites like Easter or Ramadan, or for history and record keeping: "It was 52 days after that star first appeared that we fought the battle / Thog's first son was born... " ?

If so, Aldebaran seems a pretty weird choice.
Mick Harper
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Re: Megalithic Calendar

Postby Bmblbzzz » 4:47 pm

It's not my reasoning, it's whoever it was that did that archaeology in Portugal!

However, for the sake of argument:
You might want many because the people in Faro and the people in Porto want to know the same thing.
You'll need to ask someone who's studied them, or measure it yourself, or maybe "Historic Portugal" have detailed records. How precise would they need to be for astronomical purposes anyway?

Was there a pole star 4,000~ y.a? Certainly there wasn't the Pole star, but maybe there was something serving the equivalent function.

IIRC the article says Aldebaran is one of the brightest stars.
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Re: Megalithic Calendar

Postby TisILeclerc » 7:38 pm

Aldebaran is the eye of Taurus. The Age of Taurus was associated with the start of the Egyptian pyramid building empire.

The eminent Carl Jung (1875-1961) took a barrage of criticism when he suggested that the ancient Egyptians knew the transitions between one zodiac house and another.’

Jung was particularly struck by the chaos in Egypt at the collapse of the Old Kingdom, which coincided with the end of the age of Taurus and the beginning of Aries. He described these periods as “transitions between the aeons”, which sometimes marked calamitous change, and even saw the uncertainties of his own times as marking the passage of Pisces to Aquarius.’

Modern astronomers date the era of Taurus to c. 4360-2200 BC, the age in which the Egyptian civilization began. Initially, the Egyptian pharaohs of the Old Kingdom worshipped the bull, the sign of Taurus. Then, after the chaos of the First Intermediate Period, a new era began in Egypt c. 2000 BC.

At that time, the pharaohs began to depict sphinxes with rams’ heads (Plate 49), signifying the era of Aries, which had recently begun. The monuments of ancient Egypt are thus testimonies to what Carl Jung was saying. Amazingly, the Egyptian ram has a counterpart in Sumer. ... nium11.htm

Perhaps each age sets up markers to keep track of the progress through the age?
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Re: Megalithic Calendar

Postby Boreades » 6:09 pm

TisILeclerc wrote:
Perhaps each age sets up markers to keep track of the progress through the age?

Age of Aries

The Age of Aries ushered in efforts to replace polytheism with monotheism. The earliest known attempt was by the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten, who, in about 1350 BC, decreed the Sun God Aten to be the supreme deity, apparently in reaction to his earlier lack of inclusion in religious rites by his family. After his death, however, power reverted to the original polytheistic priests, who re-established the old religion. Speculation (including that of Freud) has it that later, during the reign of Ramesses II, Moses was influenced by rumour of Akhenaten's revolutionary idea, and grasped the idea of a single supreme God, who especially favoured his people, as an inspirational mechanism that best suited his people held in bondage. The symbol of Aries can be seen as representing the power of multiple gods streaming down into a single god-head.

Age of Pisces

The age of Pisces began c. 1 AD and will end c. 2150 AD. With the story of the birth of Christ coinciding with this date, many Christian symbols for Christ use the astrological symbol for Pisces, the fishes. Jesus bears many of the temperaments and personality traits of a Pisces, and is thus considered an archetype of the Piscean. Moreover, the twelve apostles were called the "fishers of men," early Christians called themselves "little fishes," and a code word for Jesus was the Greek word for fish, "Ikhthus." With this, the start of the age, or the "Great Month of Pisces" is regarded as the beginning of the Christian religion

You know what comes next. In the Mayan Calendar and the Egyptian Cycle of the Phoenix, the Age of Aquarius begins AD 21 December 2012.

"This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius", brought the Aquarian Age concept to the attention of a huge worldwide audience. This New Age phenomenon is seen by some astrologers to be marked by the conjunction of the planet Uranus, ruler of the sign Aquarius, and the coming age, with Pluto, ruler of the masses, bringing radical change, in the 1960s. However, as the song relates, it is only considered by astrologers as the "dawning" or "cusp" of the Age, with the full strength of the Age not occurring until some time in the future.

Hmm, "Some time in the future" is a bit vague even for an old hippy like me. Where's me Kaftan coat and flared trousers gone?

More precise is today, the day of the year with the earliest sunset. It's always c.10 days before the Winter Solstice. It's yer perihelion innit? Our megalithic brethren would have been able to precisely measure the day of the Winter Solstice, when the sun rose furthest south. Still not sure how they would clock the sunset and sunrise times though. Any suggestions?
Last edited by Boreades on 7:28 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Megalithic Calendar

Postby TisILeclerc » 11:52 pm

Perhaps Jesus, like Easter and Paris is a moveable feast.

He is the lamb and the fish.

Which seem to have more to do with the sky than land or sea.
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Re: Megalithic Calendar

Postby Boreades » 12:38 pm

It's that time of the Megalithic Calendar, again!

Your 'umble servant was up at sparrow's this dreck and dreary morn, to check the sun is still rising where it should be. You can't be too careful these days, what with those "iron dragons" crawling around under our feet.

Imagine my delight and surprise to find other members of the TME team were there as well.


Incognito of course, they'd ticked the box.
[X] No publicity

While we were celebrating over a bottle or two of Chateau Boreades 15-year old single malt cider, Mick muttered something about investing the TME Pension Fund in a safe place, and he's going to check it. Might take him some time, and if we don't hear from him. not to worry?
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Re: Megalithic Calendar

Postby hvered » 9:00 am

Our megalithic brethren would have been able to precisely measure the day of the Winter Solstice, when the sun rose furthest south. Still not sure how they would clock the sunset and sunrise times though. Any suggestions?

Maybe they didn't, even couldn't.

It has been suggested in an article in the Irish Independent that the Newgrange 'roof box' doesn't date back to the Neolithic

Dr Robert Hensey, an archaeologist who researched the excavation and reinstatement works carried out by Prof O'Kelly said: "The roof box is attested in antiquarian accounts and drawings, in early 20th century photography, and then extensively in the substantial O'Kelly excavation archive. There is no question that the roof box is a modern construct or invention…" ... ign=buffer
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