Walkie Talkies

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Re: Walkie Talkies

Postby Boreades » 11:12 am

It's now officially British Summer, and there are hailstones battering the window.

Never the less, we have intrepid walkers boldly going where many walkers have gone before. From some of the most recent visitors to our parish, I have just learnt about the "Okehampton Bypass". Nothing to do with the A30 dual carriageway, or the LSWR / Southern / British Rail / GWR railway to Okehampton. This is the "ancient trackway" that goes past Okehampton, staying on the high ground of the moor.

Visible here on the old OS maps on NLS:
https://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/#zoom=1 ... rs=168&b=1

Curiously straight in parts, and not called a Roman Road. Some of it now lost under Meldon Quarry, but parts to the east still visible on Google Maps satellite view

https://www.google.com/maps/@50.7215683 ... a=!3m1!1e3
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Re: Walkie Talkies

Postby Boreades » 11:45 am

Here's a nice five-mile circular walk that includes Marden Henge.

https://www.hiddenwiltshire.com/post/br ... an-s-stone
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Re: Walkie Talkies

Postby Boreades » 7:05 pm

Media rumours have reached me that there is (or will soon be) an article in The Sunday Times on walking The Ridgeway. Anyone seen it yet?
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Re: Walkie Talkies

Postby Mick Harper » 7:17 am

We do not take the Times. Possibly there will a copy in the servants' hall. Nor do we listen to saloon bar scuttlebutt. Let us know when rumour turns into fact.
Mick Harper
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Re: Walkie Talkies

Postby Boreades » 10:30 pm

"Is the Ridgeway really 5000 years old? "

That's the question asked by Paul Whitewick as he ambles along the Ridgeway, past all the usual suspects (Uffington, Liddington, Barbury, Silbury and Avebury)

His video:
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Re: Walkie Talkies

Postby Boreades » 11:49 pm

The Lost Ridgeway: Where does it go south of Avebury?

Not to be confused with the Wessex Ridgeway.

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