Heavens' Henge

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Re: Heavens' Henge

Postby Boreades » 5:44 pm

Loath as I am to divert any thread from mention of Nicola Tesla (the forgotten genius of electricity, the man who invented the Twentieth Century), I thought the following might be of interest - to Jon especially.

Dyrch Haul Kibddar

According to EO Gordon in ‘Prehistoric London’, first published in 1914

The Druids, it is said, by means of a most powerful reflecting mirror of metal called “Dyrch Haul Kibddar” filled the circle (Stonehenge) with a blaze of glory from on high. This is mentioned in the Triads as the speculum of the all-pervading glance, or the searcher of mystery ; one of “the Three Secrets of the Isle of Britain.”

Ref: http://www.johnchaple.co.uk/telescope.html

But what Triads? A Google search for Dyrch Haul Kibddar reveals very little.
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Re: Heavens' Henge

Postby jon » 7:56 am

The Druids, it is said, by means of a most powerful reflecting mirror of metal called “Dyrch Haul Kibddar” filled the circle (Stonehenge) with a blaze of glory from on high. This is mentioned in the Triads as the speculum of the all-pervading glance, or the searcher of mystery ; one of “the Three Secrets of the Isle of Britain.”

Thanks Boreades: That description is the same as what happens when Stonehenge is used for this. Perhaps it was quite well known what Stonehenge was for up until just a hundred years or so back? This would be heavily linked to the use of metal and trade in it.

But what Triads? A Google search for Dyrch Haul Kibddar reveals very little.

He might be referring to Drych Ail Kibddar or Drych son of Kibddar in the Mabinogion: Kilhwch and Olwen. The Welsh Triads also refer to Drych son of Kibddar as one of the three great Enchanters of Britain

http://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/ma ... m#page_230
http://www.mythiccrossroads.com/triads.htm (see 27th)

Anyone know of any examples of a mysterious light filling a chamber (other than the Grail) in Arthurian Lore?
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Re: Heavens' Henge

Postby hvered » 11:00 am

Bardsey is an island at the tip of the Lleyn Peninsula in west Wales, famously said to be where 20,000 saints are buried. The name suggests 'island of bards', rather a facile interpretation though perhaps not in view of its location -- just east of the meridian line from the north pole to Tarifa.

There's a single, not very impressive standing stone at the tip of the peninsula, apparently pointing towards Bardsey Island. More visible (to sailors) was a cliff-top St Mary's chapel (ruined) at Uwchmynydd which overlooked a well. At high tide it's covered by the sea and inaccessible, at low tide it's fed by a spring and supplies fresh water, which is very reminiscent of the causeways and 'Venus Pools' that seem to dog megalithic sea routes. It's not of much use for watering people or their animals but could it be of assistance in warning ships?

The well is a natural spring, a small rock lined pool in the cliff side, inaccessible at high tide, and easy to mistake for just another rock pool as the sea recedes. In fact, it was only after tasting the saltiness of several rock pools that we finally identified St Mary’s Well itself by the taste of its pure, fresh water. The well is not safely accessible at high tides, some authors have suggested that it is actually wholly under the sea at high water, although others state that this definitely is not normally the case. All I know is that on the occasion of our first visit the tide was much too high to get a chance to see the well, it took a second visit, and a check with the tide tables before setting off, before we found the well.

The tip of the Lleyn Peninsula is unsurprisingly a breeding ground for birds including cormorants, shags, choughs.
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Re: Heavens' Henge

Postby macausland » 12:02 pm

Do Venus pools contain fresh water or salt water? If they contain fresh water they would be useful for long distance seafarers. Perhaps they were built as 'watering holes'?

It has been known for a long time that fresh water can actually be found in the oceans.

http://www.4information.com/trivia/caus ... ngs-ocean/

Apart from that it has recently been discovered that there is an enormous amount of fresh water beneath the sea bed in several areas across the world.

http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/20 ... 085304.htm

Getting back to megaliths and those who built them here is a very interesting talk on youtube by an American, Jim Vieira who describes himself as a 'stonemason and researcher'.

Much of what he talks about is based on his own findings as well as work done by others, particularly in the past few hundred years. A lot of it is documented in contemporary reports.

He covers the huge megalithic mounds found in various parts of the United States as well as underground chambers aligned to the solstices. As a stonemason he is able to discuss the stonework with a professional eye, something refreshing when usually we rely on professional academics. What is surprising is that many of these structures are similar to those found in Britain in their corbelled construction. He mentions this but accepts that it could just be people finding solutions to similar constructional problems.

He also talks about prehistoric copper mines in north America and copper artifacts that have been discovered. In addition to copper there are also objects made of iron, something apparently that the 'native' Americans were not supposed to have used.

He then goes on to discuss, with photographic evidence and nineteenth century newspaper articles, doctors' reports and museum reports, the finding of skeletons measuring eight foot and beyond. Many of the skulls apparently having double rows of teeth.

He is very down to earth in his attitude and does not seem to be part of the 'fanciful' school of ancient aliens and the like. He does point out though that all of the discoveries had been taken over by the Smithsonian Institute which over the years has issued statements that the skeletons had all disappeared or had been stolen at various times.

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Re: Heavens' Henge

Postby jon » 1:11 pm

Here's a link to the conference:


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Re: Heavens' Henge

Postby macausland » 5:59 pm

Boreades, your favourite newspaper the Daily Wail has an article about Petra today. Recent research has concluded that it is a solar calendar which makes use of external natural features. One hill apparently looks like a lion at a particular time of year.

If you are interested here's a link to the learned article itself with diagrams at the end of the article. By learned article I don't mean the 'Wail' of course.

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Re: Heavens' Henge

Postby hvered » 11:45 am

The list of speakers at the RILKO conference is top-notch, should be a good turn out. I'm not surprised Jon's been invited to speak there, though I was quite surprised to see a RILKO stand yesterday at the Ley Hunter Annual Moot which Mick and I attended. The Ley Hunters society was in its heyday run by well-respected luminaries such as Paul Devereux but the Moot seemed a relatively low-key affair.

We heard an interesting talk on 'Sacred Mounds' that listed the best known ancient mounds preserved in (public) school grounds and mentioned that some of these hills are linked by the A4; the speaker was very good but there was no mention of the mounds being part of any overall system or even having a purpose apart from a vague sense of inherited Druidical learning. Which is perhaps why the Moot was disappointing, in-depth research at a local level but somehow disjointed.
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Re: Heavens' Henge

Postby Boreades » 9:52 pm

Drych son of Kibddar is still proving elusive.

Three Enchanters of the Island of Britain:
Coll son of Collfrewy,
and Menw son of Teirgwaedd,
and Drych son of Kibddar.

Three Great Enchantments of the Island of Britain:
The Enchantment of Math son of Mathonwy (which he taught to Gwydion son of Dôn),
and the Enchantment of Uthyr Pendragon (which he taught to Menw son of Teirgwaedd),
and the Enchantment of Gwythelyn the Dwarf (WR: Rudlwm the Dwarf) (which he taught to Coll son of Collfrewy his nephew).

So the Enchantment of Uthyr Pendragon and the Enchantment of Gwythelyn the Dwarf were taught to two of the enchanters in Triad 27, but no mention of Drych son of Kibddar's ancestry or training.

And then Coll son of Collfrewy goes off to be one of the Three Great Swineherds, tending the swine of Dallwyr Dallben in Glyn Dallwyr in Cornwall. Triad 26.
(Where's Glyn Dallwyr in Cornwall?)
Hmm, the allegory is strong in this one. The "swine" appear to be a triplet of Hags, or Wise Women.
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Re: Heavens' Henge

Postby jon » 11:26 am

The list of speakers at the RILKO conference is top-notch, should be a good turn out. I'm not surprised Jon's been invited to speak there

Thanks Harriet!

The controversy surrounding the film (which uses Stonehenge to explain geocentric theory) seems to be accelerating. Unusual for a documentary which nobody has actually seen. All started when world renowned physicist Lawrence Krauss published this piece for Slate:

"I Have No Idea How I Ended Up in That Stupid Geocentrism Documentary"

Curious given that he hasn't seen the film. Anyway the Daily Mail picked it up and ran with the story

"Are you sure about that, Captain Janeway? Star Trek star voices crackpot TV documentary arguing that sun revolves around the Earth"

The story spread fast and resulted in the actress Kate Mulgrew (of Star Trek) issuing a statement saying she had been duped (even more curious given that she narrated the documentary). This was followed by a rebuttal from the guy who actually produced it:

‘I can tell you how Lawrence Krauss ended up in our film. He signed a release form and cashed a check’

The Daily Mail didn't notice that the documentary explains the new geocentric theory of Stonehenge. Neither did anyone else come to that!

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Re: Heavens' Henge

Postby Mick Harper » 11:10 am

I have been following the daily contretemps re Jon's work and forthcoming talk over on the Megalithic Portal for a coupla weeks. It can be followed here:


I have to say Jon gets an easy ride from everyone and the poor bloke who is criticising him gets regularly covered in buckets of ordure. This is exactly the reverse of what happens to revisionists normally (and what happened to Hatty and me re The Megalithc Empire on the same site).

I think this means that Jon is onto something. Or it may not. It's always hard to tell.
Mick Harper
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