Megalithic service stations?

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Re: Megalithic service stations?

Postby Boreades » 4:03 pm


A guess, but as it's a valley on the Wessex coast, could it be like all the Cwm, Cwym or Coombe places we have in Wales, Devon etc?
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Re: Megalithic service stations?

Postby TisILeclerc » 4:19 pm

Thanks for that Borry.

Another thing according to Wiki Clavell was born in India and his father was connected with the East India Company.

Didn't someone say something about that company's connections with the earlier Templars or some such group?

And Clavell seems to have fallen foul of all sorts of politicians and companies who did their best to ruin him in all his ventures after he got back from Ireland. Even James got involved in spite of his previous work for the king. A bit like Drake and Raleigh really.

Did the good people of London not like the folk from the west country?
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Re: Megalithic service stations?

Postby Boreades » 4:27 pm

Did the good people of London not like the folk from the west country?

Seems that way. Nor did they like anyone else much better?

Also seems like a goodly-sized chunk of Elizabethan history (like wot we learned at skool) was really a big Trade War.
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Re: Megalithic service stations?

Postby Boreades » 7:28 pm

Boreades wrote:Kimmer?

A guess, but as it's a valley on the Wessex coast, could it be like all the Cwm, Cwym or Coombe places we have in Wales, Devon etc?

Some in France as well.

In French "combe" is a feminine noun derived from the Celtic noun cumba meaning valley.

e.g. La Grand-Combe

During the Middle Ages, the valley was one of the cradles of the Cevennes coal industry, but it really was not until around 1780 on the initiative of Pierre-François Tubeuf that industrial mining techniques were used. Shafts were sunk, and the galleries were supported with wooden pit-props.

Curious similarities.
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Re: Megalithic service stations?

Postby TisILeclerc » 7:52 pm

Here's the chance of a lifetime for a megalithic explorer.

Grab your own bit of Lihou off Guernsey and dig up a few ingots of tin left by ancient seafarers. You get a causeway, sometimes, and a Venus pool of your own.


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Re: Megalithic service stations?

Postby Mick Harper » 9:26 pm

I used to have nightmares about this because we were always being told we would be instantly swept away to our deaths if we ever tried to cross this causeway when any of it was underwater. By the way, that building in the foreground is from the 1990's and has ruined the whole place (it's for students I think). The building you can see on the skyline is actually a fort several miles to the north (Fort George I think) but I may be quite wrong, I get disoriented just looking at this waking nightmare.
Mick Harper
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Re: Megalithic service stations?

Postby Boreades » 2:59 pm

This might explain a lot about your obsession with causeways. Repressed childhood trauma, parents telling exaggerated stories that border on lies, etc. (Did they tell you Santa Claus doesn't exist as well?) Nasty stuff.

A home base on Lihou would make for an excellent TME HQ.

Harpo, your mission (should you decide to accept it) is to secure this valuable location for the future of the TME clan.
1) Pack an overnight bag,
2) get the DLR to London City Airport,
3) jump on the Flybe flight to Jersey, then across to Guernsey
4) call into that private bank on the High Street that's holding the TME Pension Fund (Overseas Investments) Ltd and get some cash out in a brown envelope.
5) get it round the corner to The Lihou Charitable Trust (La Cachette, Rue Des Mares)

If we must, we can rent a helicopter from Helicopter Hire Guernsey, to get you across the causeway without getting your shoes or pants wet. Then they can drop you off, straight into the Venus Pool. Just like HM Queen parachuting into the opening of the London Olympics.

Meanwhile M'Lady Boreades will have a word with the Guernsey Boatowners’ Association, and their current plans to extend St.Peterport harbour with a new breakwater. It might inconvenience her Duty Free shopping trips on SS Boreades. We'll see if we can get a few spare parts diverted to convert the Lihou causeway to a proper bridge.

The rest is up to you.
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Re: Megalithic service stations?

Postby Mick Harper » 3:07 pm

Can't. Me and Rich are in negotiations to buy Flybe and I have to keep a low profile. I'm always saying the same thing to him but will he listen? Will he fu...ll story here ... -to-unfold
Mick Harper
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