Every forum needs a Humour Section...

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Re: Every forum needs a Humour Section...

Postby TisILeclerc » 12:03 am

Go for the megalithic experience instead.

Send it by dugout sail powered steamer to get that salt spray aura with a stone carved address label.

Now that's marketing. Or marketting.
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Re: Every forum needs a Humour Section...

Postby TisILeclerc » 8:52 am


Was Stonehenge built by badgers?

Are the cunning beasties keeping an eye on the place and revealing its secrets bit by bit?

Or are archaeology departments getting labour cheaper than Tony Robinson?

Badgers, according to the BBC (so it must be true)TM, have been excavating at Stonehenge and discovered bits and bobs belonging to a Bronze Age archer who was probably out culling them at the time.

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Re: Every forum needs a Humour Section...

Postby Boreades » 9:12 pm

Recommended reading?

Batman: The Scottish Connection


Bruce Wayne attends a family reunion in Scotland and foils an attempt to murder the clan. To give Batman suitable adversaries, the authors make use of contemporary fantastical theories about Rosslyn Chapel, "allegedly built by Templar Architects." [p. 21-22]

"Several Sinclairs belonged to the Order and sonic detectors have located Templar burials deep under the crypt in the sandstone rock." [p. 24]

Further use is made of a legend about the apprentice's column: "Enraged, the master killed the apprentice with a single blow from his mallet --" "--in an astonishing parallel with the murder of Hiram Abiff, builder of Solomon's legendary temple in Jerusalem!" [p. 25]

Bruce Wayne is vacationing in Scotland. The story begins with Wayne attending the reinterment of Sir Gaweyne de Weyne, a knight of the Scottish court 600 years ago. Wayne's schedule for the next week consists of a sightseeing tour of the country, and will end with a gathering of the wealthy MacDubh clan, of which Wayne is a member through a distant relative, in Edinburgh.

After the ceremony for Sir Gaweyne, Bruce notices some damage to the tombstone that appears to have been caused recently. This arouses the detective's suspicions, and he returns that evening, donning the cape and cowl. Batman's investigation of the site is interrupted by a group of thugs that are quickly dispatched by the Dark Knight and a mysterious woman named Sheona. Sheona explains a feud that began two hundred years ago between the poor crofters of the Scottish west coast and the MacDubh clan. The MacDubh slaughtered many, and drove the rest from their land, forcing the survivors to emigrate to the Americas.

"The Scottish Connection" involves Batman's investigation of the clan feud, an ancient curse, and the violent retribution that someone has in store for the descendants of the MacDubh clan who drove the peasants from their lands all those years ago.

I'm not sure if that's Tisi's clan or mine. Any ideas? Or should we just blame the Campbells?
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Re: Every forum needs a Humour Section...

Postby TisILeclerc » 9:33 pm

I think it's a forgery Borry. As much a forgery as Rosslyn itself.

No clan would call itself MacDubh. The surname Black is normally translated as Mac 'ille Dhuibh or something like that.

Sheona would be pronounce Hona. Seona is enough.

So your document is a forgery.

I would say Batman alias Brucey Wayne the Australian wombat wrestler is making it all up. I'm sure Sherlock Holmes came across something like this a hundred years ago in the Case of Biffo the Bear and the Pommy Scheme. It involved selling French apples that did not exist except on paper. A triangular piece of paper cunningly disguised as a batman outfit.

Blame the Campbells by all means. They deserve it. Although at least they didn't inflict the world with greaseburgers and obesity.
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Re: Every forum needs a Humour Section...

Postby Boreades » 1:29 pm

Evenin' all.

A police officer contacted British UFO experts after seeing three aliens examining a freshly made crop circle near Avebury, Wiltshire.

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstop ... rcle.html#

TME Police are interviewing the usual TME suspects. Mike and Hattie were not available for comment.

Mind how you go.
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Re: Every forum needs a Humour Section...

Postby Boreades » 11:18 am

Tisi and I (despite, or because of, being TME's token country bumpkins) do appreciate that some TME City Slickers (living as they do in their Metropolitan Bubble Glass Houses) are amused and bemused (in fairly equal measures) by anything that happens out in the sticks, beyond the safe boundaries of their cosy well-ordered urban lives.

Especially for them, we've found a safe virtual way they can experience what life is like out in the sticks, without the dangers of actually mixing with the country bumpkins. Trips to Badminton and/or Glastonbury Festival and listening to The Archers are excepted.

Farming Simulator

As reviewed by The Indy.

http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style ... 90556.html
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Re: Every forum needs a Humour Section...

Postby TisILeclerc » 12:35 pm

Hill farmers do it with sheep.


For those who are on a gluten free diet.
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Re: Every forum needs a Humour Section...

Postby Boreades » 8:13 pm

Greetings, pop pickers. It's Top Of The Pops (c.1400 BC)

The Oldest Known Melody (Hurrian Hymn no.6)

The Oldest known musical melody performed by the very talented Michael Levy on the Lyre. This ancient musical fragment dates back to 1400 B.C.E. and was discovered in the 1950's in Ugarit, Syria. It was interpreted by Dr. Richard Dumbrill. He wrote a book entitled "The Archaeomusicology of the Ancient Near East."



What a lyre.

Mind you, Bill Wyman and Keith Richards might claim to be older.
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Re: Every forum needs a Humour Section...

Postby TisILeclerc » 9:00 pm

Don't knock Keefe.


'E's cool man.

Of course some people on a New Year's Eve would prefer the merry skirl o' the pipes.


Notice how I got a megalithic 'Cnoc' into the conversation? It's the turn of the year and Miss Rule will be out and about.

But it was not a Knock which is something different. Here he is with all the cunning of a megalithic fox. For those who don't hear French it is subtitled. In Russian. Bliadhna mhath ur

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