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Re: Every forum needs a Humour Section...

Postby Boreades » 12:07 pm

At the moment, she's lurking somewhere near Ramsbury Brewery.
I would, it must be thirsty work hopping as far as she has across open countryside.

http://www.zeemaps.com/view?group=10553 ... =51.42&z=5
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Re: Every forum needs a Humour Section...

Postby spiral » 6:34 am

Boreades wrote:Now that it's history, we can start with the historical Caption Competition.


They are playing that most ancient game Rock-Paper-Scissors


This is Wiki at its best, check out 5.1 Lizard Mating Strategies.

Bet you didn't know that.
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Re: Every forum needs a Humour Section...

Postby Boreades » 2:17 pm

The Pope has a Mating Strategy?
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Re: Every forum needs a Humour Section...

Postby macausland » 3:24 pm

Angela Merkel cheated. The Pope went for paper and she shot him with her gun.
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Re: Every forum needs a Humour Section...

Postby Boreades » 9:54 pm

Good news chaps! Wanda has stopped wandering. On 6th August, she returns home of her own accord, hopping through the gates to be back with her family. See http://www.zeemaps.com/view?group=10553 ... y=51.4&z=7

She must have an amazing sense of direction. I've recommended her for immediate secondment to the Special Reconnaisance Regiment.

I wish I could say the same about my children, who got lost in the Brecon Beacons on their Duke Of Edinburgh trek. I'd been wondering why it's been so quiet here at Chateau Boreades without the little ankle biters.

In celebration of Wanda's return, Ogbourne St.Botolph has reformed the Country Dance Team. Here's the video of them practicing for the Harvest Festival Supper.
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Re: Every forum needs a Humour Section...

Postby hvered » 10:51 am

When we did Duke of Edinburgh youth hostelling in the Kent countryside, we had a map but still found it hard to navigate and there were no local hermits to ask apart from the man in a pub singing I Never Promised You A Rose Garden, sobbing into his beer.

Does every creature, on land or in water, have a homing instinct except for humans? Perhaps literacy rather than biology is to blame for such helplessness.
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Re: Every forum needs a Humour Section...

Postby macausland » 3:21 pm

Reading maps is as easy as reversing into a parking space.

People have homing instincts as well. I've always managed to find a pub in a strange town without really trying.

There are a few videos on youtube in which water is subjected to various vibrations etc. When they freeze the water very quickly they find patterns in the structure according to the vibration. This has led some to believe that our watery brains and insides do know where they originated.
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Re: Every forum needs a Humour Section...

Postby spiral » 8:24 am

hvered wrote:Does every creature, on land or in water, have a homing instinct except for humans? Perhaps literacy rather than biology is to blame for such helplessness.

All animals are dividual.

Humans, for some odd reason, think both they and the animals are individual, but they are not.

The whole concept of "home" "homeland" " the original single indestructible shelter" is a surely a bit weird, as if it does exist, it might get in the way of a survival extinct? But there again home is where the heart is.

I reckon it is because we have lost a bit of our "tracking instinct". Animals are constantly tracking, mapping surviving as a small part of a larger world. Humans just trundle off down to Tesco, not much skill in that.
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Re: Every forum needs a Humour Section...

Postby macausland » 8:49 am

Trundle down to my local Tesco's and you'll need a black belt in karate at least. Several months on selection with the SAS would be preferable.
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Re: Every forum needs a Humour Section...

Postby spiral » 9:09 am

macausland wrote:Trundle down to my local Tesco's and you'll need a black belt in karate at least. Several months on selection with the SAS would be preferable.

Oh no! Mac, what have you done? You have spent months building up your credibility, with your intelligent and thoughtful posting.

You are now shown to be a supermarket snob.

Never fear. Mick is Sainsburys, Hats is Waitrose, Boro pretends to shop at Farmers markets, but is Asda. Chad does not know the price of milk.......
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