Going Round in Circles

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Re: Going Round in Circles

Postby Boreades » 12:33 pm

kevin wrote: We live in almost pure physical times, instead think in terms of pure spirit times where it was spirit dictating all.

Hmm, that does seem like a rather gross assumption. Based on what evidence, may I ask?

One might be tempted to point out that the megalithic era was equally well a time of great advances in mathematics and engineering. How so? Before the megalithic sites could be built on demonstrably (evidence-based) astronomical alignments, the sites would need careful surveying and planning, to a high degree of precision. The mathematical plan was a result of many patient years of astronomical observation. Not for nothing are they called The Watchers.
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Re: Going Round in Circles

Postby kevin » 3:55 pm

Boreades wrote:
kevin wrote: We live in almost pure physical times, instead think in terms of pure spirit times where it was spirit dictating all.

Hmm, that does seem like a rather gross assumption. Based on what evidence, may I ask?

One might be tempted to point out that the megalithic era was equally well a time of great advances in mathematics and engineering. How so? Before the megalithic sites could be built on demonstrably (evidence-based) astronomical alignments, the sites would need careful surveying and planning, to a high degree of precision. The mathematical plan was a result of many patient years of astronomical observation. Not for nothing are they called The Watchers.

My evidence, years and years of plotting and checking.

They did not need any maths or any such stuff, it is Omni present in the fixed lattice matrix of universe, hence why you find such precision and similarities globally over vast times. The watchers indeed, as I am.

I observe this fixed universe via dowsing, and can demonstrate this anywhere anytime to absolute precision.

As above , so below means that wherever You are located You are at the centre point of the universe relative to that location, and the geometry at that location will conform to our local solar system and its movements, especially at the equinox, solstice and cross quarter days.

The resistance set up by the movement of the solar bodies is what it is all about, as the flows travelling universe react accordingly. I can and have checked all of this hundreds of times, the moons four phases giving best clues. The churning of the milky seas.

http://www.veloasia.com/library/buckley ... _milk.html

The serpent is consciousness been shown to reverse at the pole, this occurs, and the trees and plants react, there is no such force as called gravity, it is all about opposite spin flows of consciousness, the trees reverse their spin flows and water FALLS inside them.

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Re: Going Round in Circles

Postby Boreades » 9:21 pm

Mick Harper wrote:Here's a quiz question I often ask in the pub: what are the first three numbers in the Fibonacci sequence? Few get it right. Well, Kevin?

Here's a question not often asked in the pub.

Who was Fibonacci's tutor?
Or, who was Fibonacci's book (Liber Abaci (Book of the Abacus)) dedicated to?

In Italy, Michael Scot taught a very famous pupil: Leonardo Fibonacci, the author of Liber Abaci (Book of the Abacus - 1202), the first European book to use the symbol/number “0” to represent zero. The book, dedicated to Scot, included the famous number series 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55.... known as the Fibonacci Sequence, where each number is the sum of the two previous numbers, a formula found in the creation geometry of nature.


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Re: Going Round in Circles

Postby Mick Harper » 9:45 pm

Notice that Scot was always careful to claim that he was merely 'copying' the words of the ancients (or Arabs or some other authoritative source). Everybody, it seemed, was obliged to do this whether they were or they weren't. Modern scholars always take them at their word. Whether they were or they weren't. It would be interesting to delve into the true origin of the Fibonacci Series itself.
Mick Harper
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Re: Going Round in Circles

Postby Boreades » 7:49 am

Some modern scholars strike out in new directions.

How the World Is Made: The Story of Creation According to Sacred Geometry
Written by John Michell. The name might be familiar? He's a.k.a. the alleged inventor of The Michael Line, and therefore prior art for much of what is merely unoriginallly discussed here on TME.

How the World Is Made explores how ancient peoples who grasped the timeless principles of sacred geometry were able to create flourishing societies. Galileo described the universe as a large book written in the language of mathematics, which can only be read by those with knowledge of its characters – triangles, circles and other geometrical figures. More than 300 colour illustrations reveal the secret code within these geometrical figures and how they express the spiritual meanings in the key numbers of 1 through 12. He identifies the various regular shapes and shows their constructions; their natural symbolism; their meetings, matings and ways of breeding; and their functions within the universal order. In the process, Michell helps us see the world in a new light. Disparate shapes and their corresponding numbers are woven together, resolving themselves into an all-inclusive world image – that ‘pattern in the heavens’, as Socrates called it, ‘which anyone can find and establish within themselves.’ ‘A delightful book: clear, witty, beautiful and illuminating. It is well worth buying for yourself – and for your friends’ – The Spectator ‘Utterly gorgeous … 288 full-colour pages of wisdom and wonder on thick, art-quality paper that should survive many years of use. A thing to be cherished, a work of art, it is also a beautifully illustrated geometry primer with philosophical commentary … the text is Michell’s finest prose – cool, succinct and rational’ – Fortean Times ‘Instructive and illustrative … John Michell has stamped this book with the freshness and originality that are his hallmark. It is a worthy bequest of an extraordinary mind … a source of inspiration for seekers in the arts, mathematics and the Mysteries’ – Temenos Academy Review ‘A real treasure! … it will delight anyone associated with sacred cosmology or sacred landscape’ – Gatekeeper Magazine.
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Re: Going Round in Circles

Postby Mick Harper » 9:31 am

We'd much prefer a review from our own Boreades.
Mick Harper
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Re: Going Round in Circles

Postby hvered » 10:48 am

Michell like other alternative historians seems to claim that 'geometry' was esoteric. Why would the people working out the maths be anything more than workers, skilled and necessary but dispensable (cf. alchemists)?
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Re: Going Round in Circles

Postby Boreades » 11:33 am

Mick Harper wrote:We'd much prefer a review from our own Boreades.

No problem. As you're a mucka of some of Michell's muckas, can you blag a free copy for review? Alternatively, spend some of the TME Petty Cash / Social Funds, and send it to the usual address.

hvered wrote: Michell like other alternative historians seems to claim that 'geometry' was esoteric. Why would the people working out the maths be anything more than workers, skilled and necessary but dispensable (cf. alchemists)?

Good point. Personally, I don't think of it as esoteric at all. Perhaps that's just what people call it while it still seems mysterious and slightly baffling? Especially people like historians and arts-students who may have neglected their O-level Mathematics and other basic science subjects. Fortunately, I'm good at Mathematics and happy to explain these things to people. That's why my TME password is the last eight digits of Pi.
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Re: Going Round in Circles

Postby Mick Harper » 11:34 am

Mick Harper
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Re: Going Round in Circles

Postby Boreades » 3:51 pm

Not sure what to make of this, but it's got circles. And it looks like they've made a right mess of it.

Huge monument used as a Neolithic party site 5,500 years ago is found alongside human remains, stone axes and smashed pottery shards close to Windsor Castle. The site is one of the earliest known examples of monument-building in the UK. Researchers found an enclosure circled by a series of ditches and gap entrance. Shards suggest party goers deliberately smashed pottery during their festivities. Archaeologists believe they will soon find the entire circuit of the enclosure.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/ ... astle.html

Harpo, can you use your bus pass to get there on the Central Line?


Was it an early version of Glastonbury?


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