Boreades wrote:kevin wrote: We live in almost pure physical times, instead think in terms of pure spirit times where it was spirit dictating all.
Hmm, that does seem like a rather gross assumption. Based on what evidence, may I ask?One might be tempted to point out that the megalithic era was equally well a time of great advances in mathematics and engineering. How so? Before the megalithic sites could be built on demonstrably (evidence-based) astronomical alignments, the sites would need careful surveying and planning, to a high degree of precision. The mathematical plan was a result of many patient years of astronomical observation. Not for nothing are they called The Watchers.
My evidence, years and years of plotting and checking.
They did not need any maths or any such stuff, it is Omni present in the fixed lattice matrix of universe, hence why you find such precision and similarities globally over vast times. The watchers indeed, as I am.
I observe this fixed universe via dowsing, and can demonstrate this anywhere anytime to absolute precision.
As above , so below means that wherever You are located You are at the centre point of the universe relative to that location, and the geometry at that location will conform to our local solar system and its movements, especially at the equinox, solstice and cross quarter days.
The resistance set up by the movement of the solar bodies is what it is all about, as the flows travelling universe react accordingly. I can and have checked all of this hundreds of times, the moons four phases giving best clues. The churning of the milky seas. ... _milk.htmlThe serpent is consciousness been shown to reverse at the pole, this occurs, and the trees and plants react, there is no such force as called gravity, it is all about opposite spin flows of consciousness, the trees reverse their spin flows and water FALLS inside them.