TisILeclerc wrote:Here's one for you to play with Borry.
They've discovered what they think is a henge on Eston Hills on the south bank of the Tees. There is an old iron age camp in the same area and the place was mined in the nineteenth century but this is the first suggestion of a henge.
I've added it to the
Megalithic Map of the Universe (Northern England section shown here)

Clearly there's lots of potential for filling in the gaps on the Yorks Dales and Moors.
Herpo, it's all up to you now. I'm going off grid, I may be some time. Do let us know what you find. It's easy to get to from Knotting Hull on the TME tricycle. Straight up Kilburn High Street, then left hand up a bit and onto the A1 for a few hundred miles. The exercise will do you good, you'll be less of a grumpy old sod as well.
Edit: PS on your way, please investigate the Temple Fortune area.