Keeping your feet dry, 8,000BC

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Re: Keeping your feet dry, 8,000BC

Postby TisILeclerc » 3:57 pm

Image ... ea-island/

Is this the last refuge of the Maglemosians?

The wiki article tells us the name Halligen comes from a Celtic word meaning salt. I'd take that explanation with a pinch of the white stuff.

Just as likely it is a remnant of what Wilkens claims was the name for the sea at the time of the Trojan war (in England) just south of the Parisii around Hull. He claims it was called the Helle sea from which the Hellenes took their own name.

What is interesting about these islands, causewayed or not, is that all living areas are built up and when the high tides come and swamp the land they are literally high and dry. Well, dryish. If they were British the government would no doubt tell them to pack up and let nature do its work, except in London of course.

Here is a video of the locals talking about their life and preparing for the flood which comes towards the end of the video. Fast forward to see how effective their defences are and simple if you can't be bothered to watch it all the way through. It is all in German which may cause problems for some although really it doesn't matter as it's easy enough to work out what's going on.

Did the original inhabitants of Doggerland resort to similar methods to protect their own lands and homes all those years ago?
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Re: Keeping your feet dry, 8,000BC

Postby Boreades » 3:33 pm

Very interesting!

Nice that one of the most westerly points is called Westerland.

From which, presumably, the Maglemosians could sail west to Ingerland (or AngolLand)?
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Re: Keeping your feet dry, 8,000BC

Postby Boreades » 11:51 am

These Maglemosian again.

Maglemosian industry, a tool culture of northern Europe dating from the postglacial period, approximately 9000 to 5000 bc. The Maglemosian industry was named after the bog (magle mose, “big bog,” in Danish) at Mullerup, Den., where evidence of the industry was first recognized. The industry was created by a Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age) forest people, who settled along rivers and lakes left behind as the glaciers of the last Ice Age retreated; because their dwellings were generally at the edge of water, many products of the industry made of organic substances that ordinarily would not have survived have been preserved in waterlogged deposits.

Here again we see the orthodozy mind-set, "primitive" people eaking-out a living on the margins. Not being exactly where they needed to be, for easier travel, trade and communication.
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Re: Keeping your feet dry, 8,000BC

Postby Mick Harper » 12:32 pm

We refer to this as 'Acacia Avenue syndrome' in Applied Epistemology. People in ivory towers simply cannot comprehend that human beings like their home wherever their home might be. They should ask polar bears whether they really want to keep their ice floes, all the better to catch seals from. Preferably up close with a clipboard.
Mick Harper
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