Missing Link

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Re: Missing Link

Postby Mick Harper » 11:24 am

Rye and gruel

It always amuses me that everybody insists our forebears lived on an awful diet. And by forebears I mean everybody right up to (say) the nineteen-fifties. Since food is a major (often the major) item in everybody's everyday, you can be absolutely sure that food has been delicious right back to Neolithic times. Though my Neolithic forebears would describe my diet (of pizza and hamburgers) as being awful.
Mick Harper
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Re: Missing Link

Postby Boreades » 12:15 pm

Much more likely that they were on a healthy full-fat diet. Meat, eggs, milk, cheese, fruit and veg. Not much grain, because that was more important for making mash to brew beer.
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Re: Missing Link

Postby spiral » 10:22 am

There is nothing more frustrating when you start a new line of thinking and then find out that some crazy out there has done it better and bigger http://www.13things.co.uk/p/2.html

Zxbwe/1x Arggh.
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Re: Missing Link

Postby macausland » 11:01 am

Thanks for the link Spiral.

Did you read this article by the author where he says he had to threaten Freedom of Information of British Heritage to release scans of the 'Slaughter Stone'.

He claims there is a map carved into it which detail an island in the North Sea. Or Doggerland.

The site is unfortunately run using google so there are all sorts of nerdy obstacles in the way of reading the articles clearly and easily. Well, on my computer at least.

http://www.the-stonehenge-enigma.info/2 ... ed-to.html

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Re: Missing Link

Postby spiral » 8:38 am

macausland wrote:Thanks for the link Spiral.

Did you read this article by the author


I had devised a fiendishly cunning plan.

Link...Line...Linear(earthworks) ...Linen....Lyn....(a waterfall or cascade)..... lynchet all cunningly worked into the landscape.....

Only to find Amundsen had already arrived.

Roald isn't to blame......
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Re: Missing Link

Postby spiral » 7:03 am

I dont normally bother with TV, but, by accident, I caught a repeat on BBC last night about Angkor..... http://www.canbypublications.com/siemreap/history.htm

The programme did all the normal stuff about "modern science now reveals" and there was loads of wasted time, driving round "talking heads" through the jungle.

What was interesting is that even orthodoxy comes up with a Medieval city of 1000000 supported by huge man made reservoirs, canals, waterways and quarries in the middle of what is now jungle.

Shows what is possible, when you control water.
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Re: Missing Link

Postby Mick Harper » 10:23 am

Yes, and what was equally interesting was how orthodox historians, even reporting historic times, had managed to lose the million people. I suppose they will say that Cambodia is rather less studied than, say, Britain, but actually they routinely manage the same feat here.

When pressed, they admit that the Iron Age population of Britain was much the same as the Roman was much the same as the Medieval etc etc but they don't really believe it. Why not? Because then they'd have to start pencilling in the infrastructure necessary for these people. Whether, as you say, that would involve the control of water is up for grabs. There's more of it in Cambodia, and even with loads of the stuff, can we really manage three wheat harvests a year?

Notice that Ankor Wat required the million people but it was only when the archaeo's new technology showed the actual houses that they believed in the million people. It's just the same with Megalithia. You should take the vastish population for granted since it would require millions of people to sustain it ... but nobody actually does.
Mick Harper
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Re: Missing Link

Postby Boreades » 11:30 pm

Mon Ami!
I too saw that very TV programme.
Even while it was on, my leetle grey cells were bumping into each other.
And they were saying: But where did they grow the food?

A medieval city of 1,000,000 must have had an even greater rural population, way out in the sticks/rice paddies, growing the food to sustain the townies.
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Re: Missing Link

Postby spiral » 10:42 am

Nobody knows the exact population of Ancient Rome but it could have been a million.

It is generally thought to have been sustained by Aqueducts......

In its prime the city had at least eleven known aqueducts, to sustain its population.


However something around the 4th c. CE happens and the Aqueducts are destroyed and the population plummets.

The whole thing reminds me of Anghor Wat.

Orthodoxy says that that all these aqueducts were demolished by Barbarians. (its invasion theory). Quite why these barbarians are intent on destroying the efficient supply of water, rather than using it, we are unsure. The answer is probably they were Barbarians.....

In the doc on Anghor Wat of course the invasion theory was later replaced by a natural disaster model, and it looks like that Ernst from Q mag is proposing this to me.....

http://www.q-mag.org/_media/ewald-ernst ... 8-2014.pdf

If you make it to the end (Q mag, like Spiral dont do clarity) you will find that in 1995 a Roman Aqueduct was found under 7 metres of sand and gravel. It must have been back breaking work for the Babas to bury this....or maybe they had mechanical diggers?
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Re: Missing Link

Postby TisILeclerc » 6:16 pm


'However something around the 4th c. CE happens and the Aqueducts are destroyed and the population plummets.'

I'm not sure about the 4th century but in about 535 something happened across the world to cause untold damage and suffering. Some say it was a comet or asteroid, some a massive volcanic explosion that blotted out the sun.

At the same time that England went into a prolonged winter - 'In the year 536 the sun dimmed and the world shivered, leading to famine, plague and the fall of empires. New clues point to an double-whammy apocalypse'

http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg2 ... ended.html

- Puma punku in Bolivia was destroyed.


Procopius tells of problems in the Mediterranean area

'… during this year a most dread portent took place. For the sun gave forth its light without brightness...and it seemed exceedingly like the sun in eclipse, for the beams it shed were not clear.,
History of the Wars: The Vandalic War'

http://www.ancient-origins.net/unexplai ... ard-001360

Meanwhile back in Blighty

'This is an extract from the Chronicles of the Kings of Britain who observed this Comet as described in the writings.
At this time a star of amazing size appeared. It had one beam,
and on the head of the beam was a ball of fire resembling a dragon ;
and from the jaws of the dragon two beams ascended, the one towards
the extremity of France, and the other towards Ireland, subdividing
itself into seven small beams.'

Taken from a quote in: http://www.thunting.com/smf/myths_legen ... html;wap2=

The site discusses possible reasons for the catastrophe of this period.

Even the Daily Mail gets involved with an article about Dallas Abbott's research and theory of an asteroid strike.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/ ... e-age.html

In the opposite corner is the argument that a massive volcanic eruption was responsible, possibly Krakatoa.


Between the two possibilities I imagine there would be enough to cover many a fine aqueduct.
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