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Postby kevin » 5:49 pm

There is considerable misunderstanding relative to this descriptive term.

1..Straight so-called lines.
2..Flows that travel upon so called straight lines, and trip onto crossing lines that gives a route of less resistance.

Thus in geometric terms polygons are formed about a point with multiple crossing sets of lines.
The point been a central location where the flows spiral inwards and outward into/out of said point.

I detect the straight lines in sets of NINE parallel lines , the cover approx 200 feet in total apart ( 1 to 9)
The lines themselves I detect as being one inch in width.

Every so-called stone circle is one or more polygons...FULL STOP.

So-called alignments are variable due to the nine parallel lines, and even more complicated series of such overlapping each other to for approx half a mile series.

The misunderstandings are understandable in that all of this is in the non visible.

I have concluded that the straight lines are of universe, and are super high frequency carrier lines.
The flows are travelling upon the lines in piggy back fashion, tripping from line to line, always following the route of least resistance.
They travel in piggy-back fashion to the central location.....
http://read-mosaics.blogspot.co.uk/p/bo ... lphin.html

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Re: Leylines

Postby Mick Harper » 9:29 am

Some diagrams would be helpful. All these lines make my head spin. When you post up a link you might say why. The connection with Roman mosaics is not clear.

PS If you wish to start a thread on leylines in this particular forum-- and I applaud you doing so -- you might care to pass judgement on me and Hatty's own explanation for both their presence and their pattern.
Mick Harper
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Re: Leylines

Postby TisILeclerc » 11:15 am



Scientists are reporting yet another burst of gravitational waves.

The signals were picked up by the Advanced LIGO facilities in the US and are determined to have come from the merger of two huge black holes some three billion light-years from Earth.

It is the third time now that the labs' laser instruments have been perturbed by the warping of space-time.

The detection confirms that a new era in the investigation of the cosmos is now truly under way.


They look more like plugholes to me but I'm not a scientist.

The pretty ones though are nice. Are these cosmic ley lines? Part of the cosmic Michael Way?

The Chinese believe the milky way is produced by the river flowing into the ocean and then coming back up across the sky to start again in the mountains. I think they even call it the river of ocean or some such thing.

Are ley lines a local manifestation of a much larger cosmic wave like reality?
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Re: Leylines

Postby kevin » 5:19 pm

Mick Harper wrote: Some diagrams would be helpful. All these lines make my head spin. When you post up a link you might say why. The connection with Roman mosaics is not clear.

PS If you wish to start a thread on leylines in this particular forum-- and I applaud you doing so -- you might care to pass judgement on me and Hatty's own explanation for both their presence and their pattern.

If You could point Me towards Your and Hatty's ( Who is Hatty?)

I spent years trying to draw it out, it's too complicated, and the resultant drawings need large scale area.

To begin to comprehend it does need first to determine the basics, which is what I would like to try and do.
Nothing though beats hands on.

Cheers Kevin
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Re: Leylines

Postby kevin » 5:27 pm


Is your name anything to do with the French supermarket?

Yes is the reply to Your question,
As above , so below.

Which is why archaeoastronomy is correct, but misses the local consequences at the surface area of this planet.

Spin is created when straight lines cross around 360 degrees, but this is where NINE parallel lines are involved with individual flows along each line that always seeks the pathway of least resistance.

Your spinning galaxy link is just the same, it is the same at all scale, ANU gives the best visual description , IMHO, and is itself somewhat simplistic.
https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=an ... &FORM=VIRE
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Re: Leylines

Postby kevin » 5:36 pm

My link to the Roman mosaic was My way of showing what they tried also to show.
That Cupid was riding upon the spiral-tailed dolphin.
It is a visual method of showing the manner in which consciousness that creates all ( Cupid) rides along a carrier ( dolphin)

The spiral is how consciousness compresses into creating all in 3D, the megalithic locations are where such spiral compressions ( and spiral outrushes ) occur, and is why I wander about so many sites checking and checking how this all plays out.
It is not as simple as straight lines Watkins style, it is super complicated indeed.

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Re: Leylines

Postby hvered » 9:31 pm

Hallo Kevin, I'm Hatty. Lovely mosaics but the dolphin's tail is not spiral shaped. More like a trident! We perceive shapes differently perhaps to do with what we want to see.

Also dolphin-riding could be a metaphor for lots of things not related to 'consciousness'. How do you know what the Roman metaphor was?
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Re: Leylines

Postby Mick Harper » 11:21 pm

She's Hatty, Kevin. If you look at the top of the page you will find out all you need to know.
Mick Harper
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Re: Leylines

Postby Boreades » 3:35 pm

hvered wrote:How do you know what the Roman metaphor was?

Good question, and the answer is visible in one of the pictures kindly drawn to out attention by Kevin

http://read-mosaics.blogspot.co.uk/p/bo ... lphin.html


It is no accident that only one corner has what appears to be a diamond in it. Actually, that's a trick of the perspective. It's actually a square. Or in the Mithraic allegorical tale laid out in front of us, the symbolic and literal cornerstone of the construction and of the story. From (at least) Mithraic times onwards, construction work would start with a cornerstone. Usually in a north-west or north-east corner. I forget why.

As the author says :
Therefore, the central motif could be read as showing the emotions of friendship, devotion and love.

Again, a Mithraic dual-meaning theme. A dying boy on a dolphin is also a Mithraic theme of the cycle of life.
Last edited by Boreades on 3:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Leylines

Postby Mick Harper » 3:39 pm

I am intrigued but so far unimpressed. Sounds Masonic.
Mick Harper
Posts: 928
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