Who Built The Stones?

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Re: Who Built The Stones?

Postby Boreades » 12:15 pm

TisILeclerc wrote:Why do documentary makers insist in turning interesting material into senseless crap with little or no substance. I imagine this lot are Mercian.

Anyway somebody has found a henge in the sea off Orkney and they've done a tiny wee exploration of it and that's all you get. But, could be interesting.


I did try watching that video but found it underwhelming. Call me slow-witted, but I've only just had a stray thought. Why has the sea level (apparently) risen around Orkney, while most of Scotland is rising because of "glacial isostatic adjustment"? Did the ice-age glaciers not touch Orkney?

Areas of rising land levels include:
Tyne and Wear
Northumberland coast, Berwickshire, East Lothian,
The Firth of Forth and the Moray Forth
Fife, Aberdeenshire, Caithness
Minch and the Western Isles
Argyll, Ayrshire and the Solway Firth
Northern Irish coast
Isle of Man
Cumbria, Lancashire and Merseyside
North Wales

https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/earth/ ... study.html

Interactive map?

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech ... e-age.html
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Re: Who Built The Stones?

Postby Boreades » 10:53 am

It is still a heretical idea (to the orthodozy archeos) that the Egyptian Pyramids could have been more easily built using geopolymer concrete.

However, that has also been proposed for some South American megaliths as well.


• Materials scientists working with geologist in solving an archaeological riddle.
• South-American Andes monument Pumapunku made of ancient geopolymer sandstone.
• Electron microscopy and petrographic studies show unusual features in sandstone.
• Na and Fe contents in monument much higher than samples from 3 geological sites.
• Megalithic slabs weighing between 130 and 180 tonnes each were cast 1400 years ago.

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/a ... 7X18315982
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Re: Who Built The Stones?

Postby Mick Harper » 12:55 pm

If only they would apply this degree of of geological rigour to, say, Glastonbury Tor or Jethou, things would really get moving. But of course even geologists concede Egyptian pyramids and Incan monuments are not natural.
Mick Harper
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