Megalithic service stations?

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Re: Megalithic service stations?

Postby TisILeclerc » 10:47 am


'It sounds like these linears are anomalous or at least unusual enough to be considered 'special places' which is interesting if Tan Hill and Milk Hill are surveying platforms as we claim. I wonder if these linears were 'sighting lines'?'

If they are surveying platforms I would imagine there was a massive map making exercise under way.

To make any map you've got to have a base line to work from. The Ordnance Survey used tide gauges to set heights above sea level. Newlyn was the starting point. ... sea-level/

Once heights have been calculated meaningful calculations can be made on distances using triangulation. This would require permanent points in the landscape to work from. The best points will be at a useful height to have an unobstructed view of the surrounding landscape. In the absence of such a point it would be advantageous to create one.

It would also be useful to combine these terrestrial structures with observatories to keep an eye on celestial bodies. This would help to place the local points within a more global framework.

If this is true then there must have been a massive organisation behind the project with the finances and the skills to carry it out. Perhaps there was a society with these skills before the destructive effects of the ice ages. Once things had settled down and a period of relative stability achieved it would be essential to remap the newly modelled world.
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Re: Megalithic service stations?

Postby Mick Harper » 12:02 pm


You might be interested in, if you're not already following it, a thread on the Megalithic Portal started by our own Jon: ... =4&start=0

which picks up some of these points. I cannot help feeling that somewhere among all this material is the key to understanding what's really going on. Occasionally I get the answer, "A lot less than you might think" but for sure we haven't cracked it yet. And nor has anyone else despite what everybody (including me) tends to claim.
Mick Harper
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Re: Megalithic service stations?

Postby TisILeclerc » 12:45 pm

Thanks for the link.

I did visit the site a while ago when he was discussing Preselli on this site.

Unfortunately I'm a bore of little brain and his explanations get a bit complex. I start thinking of honey pots and St Elvis of Preseli who gyrated between Ireland and Wales.

I found the link to the computing very interesting.

For some reason it reminded me of today's religions which use rosary beads for remembering their prayers or whatever. Or just as 'worry beads'. Which is revealing if they once had a real application and use but over time people forgot what they were actually for and the whole thing descended into ritual and superstition.

What I find interesting about megaliths is the amount of work that went into them. This is not natural. People, like all animals, like to do things the easy way. And building hills to venerate and worship sounds very dodgy.
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Re: Megalithic service stations?

Postby Boreades » 10:33 am

hvered wrote:It sounds like these linears are anomalous or at least unusual enough to be considered 'special places' which is interesting if Tan Hill and Milk Hill are surveying platforms as we claim. I wonder if these linears were 'sighting lines'?

If you draw a line of sight from Tan Hill to Stonehenge, it just by coincidence goes slap-bang through the middle of Marden Henge.

Edit: and if you project that line further south, it goes to Old Sarum.
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Re: Megalithic service stations?

Postby Mick Harper » 11:57 am

Come on, Borry, draw us a map.
Mick Harper
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Re: Megalithic service stations?

Postby hvered » 4:17 pm

You're absolutely correct...very well spotted. A line on Google Earth between Tan Hill and Stonehenge does pass Marden Henge. Further south, it ended at Salisbury (Cathedral) rather than Old Sarum, which is immediately north of the cathedral but to the east of the Tan Hill-Stonehenge line.
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Re: Megalithic service stations?

Postby Mick Harper » 5:13 pm

When you say "it passes Marden henge", does it form a tangent, as leylines so often do (allegedly)? Again we need maps. And the cathedral is suspiciously late. An Old Sarum connection would be much more impressive since this is massively significant without anyone knowing quite why.
Mick Harper
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Re: Megalithic service stations?

Postby Boreades » 6:34 pm

At this scale, it's difficult to discern, but when you zoom in it looks like it passes Marden Henge as a tangent.

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Re: Megalithic service stations?

Postby Mick Harper » 6:35 pm

Just as an afterthought, where is Milk Hill in relation to this alignment?
Mick Harper
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Re: Megalithic service stations?

Postby Boreades » 6:57 pm

Milk Hill is busy minding its own business on the Avebury - Stonehenge route.

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