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Re: Leylines

Postby Boreades » 6:20 pm

Mick Harper wrote:I am intrigued but so far unimpressed. Sounds Masonic.

I'm impressed how consistently unimpressive I am. It must be because I set low standards and reach them frequently.

Perhaps you'll be ever-so-slightly more impressed when I've finished writing my Magnum Hopeless :
The Mithraic Origins of Freemasonry (and The Myth of Solomon)

In which the heroic author lays bare the myth of a King that never existed, and exposes the legendary temple as something built by Hadrian and Roman occupiers.

It does feature leylines as well.
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Re: Leylines

Postby Mick Harper » 6:22 pm

Mick Harper
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Re: Leylines

Postby Boreades » 4:00 pm

Magnetic Portals Connect Earth to the Sun

During the time it takes you to read this article, something will happen high overhead that until recently many scientists didn't believe in. A magnetic portal will open, linking Earth to the Sun 93 million miles away. Tons of high-energy particles may flow through the opening before it closes again, around the time you reach the end of the page.

Source: NASA
https://science.nasa.gov/science-news/s ... 30oct_ftes
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Re: Leylines

Postby Boreades » 4:07 pm

In 1983 a comprehensive study was undertaken by engineer Charles Brooker to locate magnetism in sacred sites. The test subject was the Rollright stone circle in England. A magnetometer survey of the site revealed how a band of magnetic force is attracted into the stone circle through a narrow gap of stones that act as the entrance. The band then spirals towards the center of the circle as though descending down a rabbit hole.
Two of the circle’s western stones were also found to pulsate with concentric rings of alternating current, resembling ripples in a pond.

Magnetomer survey image of the Rollright Stones. Adapted from Charles Brooker. Magnetism and Standing Stones, New Scientist
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Re: Leylines

Postby kevin » 5:14 pm

Boreades wrote:
In 1983 a comprehensive study was undertaken by engineer Charles Brooker to locate magnetism in sacred sites. The test subject was the Rollright stone circle in England. A magnetometer survey of the site revealed how a band of magnetic force is attracted into the stone circle through a narrow gap of stones that act as the entrance. The band then spirals towards the center of the circle as though descending down a rabbit hole.
Two of the circle’s western stones were also found to pulsate with concentric rings of alternating current, resembling ripples in a pond.

Magnetomer survey image of the Rollright Stones. Adapted from Charles Brooker. Magnetism and Standing Stones, New Scientist

At the rollright stones are 89 leylines.
55 cross at one point where a spiral inwards ( implosion) occurs, 89 inch away from that point is another similar where 34 leylines cross and an opposite spiral occurs where outrush flows.
Centripetal and centrifugal.

The two locations 89 inch apart create a pathway that leads to the whispering knights.
The two opposite magnetic walls of this pathway create a bloch wall ( neals wall)
With a zig zag detectable and followable occurs.

https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=bl ... &FORM=IGRE

IMHO this is the basis of the zig zag inscriptions on beaker pots etc.

Passing close by the stone circle and between it and the whispering knights is a very powerfull flow of consciousness known as the Belinus line.
It is not a line, it is a flow along the spine of GB.

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Re: Leylines

Postby hvered » 7:02 pm

Passing close by the stone circle and between it and the whispering knights is a very powerful flow of consciousness known as the Belinus line.

I agree it's not a line. It's a trackway. Nowadays tarmaced over and called Cross Hands Lane.

The Rollrights was the chosen site for an experiment run by Paul Devereux who was head honcho at the Ley Hunter. Such a focus on one place would be almost bound to come up with ley lines, magnetism, dragon forces, whatever they're looking for. Wouldn't it?
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Re: Leylines

Postby kevin » 7:39 pm

hvered wrote:
Passing close by the stone circle and between it and the whispering knights is a very powerful flow of consciousness known as the Belinus line.

I agree it's not a line. It's a trackway. Nowadays tarmaced over and called Cross Hands Lane.

The Rollrights was the chosen site for an experiment run by Paul Devereux who was head honcho at the Ley Hunter. Such a focus on one place would be almost bound to come up with ley lines, magnetism, dragon forces, whatever they're looking for. Wouldn't it?

At the rollrights are 89 leylines, each line is composed of nine parallel lines=801.
Then it gets complicated, as there are multiples of parallel lines fitted inside each of the 89, the result is thousands of individual lines with each line carrying consciousness that constantly varies both in intensity and in directions.

Travelling through all of this is a massive flow of consciousness of this planet, known as the belinus line.

There is between the stones and the whispering knights a cursus, it is constructed to locally divert the belinus line.

The local manipulation of such massive flows of consciousness is IMHO the design criteria of the environs of the rollrights, and it is to do with a cross feature in the geometry there that would have involved four long barrows, the knights been the most obvious remains.

It is all too complicated to draw out, but simple ( for Me) to detect, and all I can do is report as I detect there.
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Re: Leylines

Postby kevin » 7:55 pm


There is a hard to describe presence at the rollrights, a witch some say, mother Shipston some call Her.......pure love is how I sense her.
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