New Views over Megalithia

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Re: New Views over Megalithia

Postby hvered » 11:54 am

spiral wrote:
ericwargo wrote:" More directly relevant to English, the ME "i-" sounds like "eye" to me, and indeed other words for island like eyot seem to support such a connection.

Maybe the ancient concept of (eye)land, (before maps) was that, from a high point, you could see all the land (with your eyes) was surrounded by water.

From the air Sark's Venus Pool (bottom right, sticking-out bit) is an easy to spot circle. Remarkably like an eye in fact. Maybe this thread could be re-named Bird's Eye Views over Megalithia?
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Re: New Views over Megalithia

Postby Boreades » 12:06 pm

Slightly on topic, over at the Megalithic Portal, Tracey Ramsbottom (nee Brown) writes:
I produced and edited the Devon earth mysteries magazine Wisht Maen between 1993-1996. I have now scanned and made all the issues available to download via the Megalithic Portal.

e.g. these topics
Gods and Goddesses of Devon
The Tinners' Rabbits
Plymouth's Ancient Trackways
East Devon ways: Hillforts
Hounds, Hollow Hills and Ancient Ways

Download link
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Re: New Views over Megalithia

Postby Mick Harper » 1:02 am

Perhaps you have already come across it? A bit 'consipiracy theory' in parts but I don't mind conspiracies, some of them are true as we eventually discover.

I once posted a claim (on a forum that quite liked them) that not a single conspiracy theory has turned out to be true...yet. And I challenged the forum's readers to name one. So, Mac, which ones did you have in mind?
Mick Harper
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Re: New Views over Megalithia

Postby macausland » 8:08 am

I don't know if you would consider these 'conspiracy theories' but I heard many years ago that the United States had planned to declare war on Britain and the British Empire in the 1930s. I believe Channel 5 or some other television company has recently run a programme detailing that plan using declassified material released by the American government.

Edward Heath and others admitted that the ultimate goal of the 'Common Market' was a unified European State with a central government. He said that they didn't admit that at the time because nobody would have voted for it. So they took the plan forward step by step.

We now know that the Bilderberg group exists and our top politicians have been involved in it for decades.

Perhaps there's a conspiracy in the groves of Academe to ignore and deny the true history of Britain?

The United States has just told the world that they have proof of the existence of chemical weapons of mass destruction in Syria so will be sending weapons to the rebels. No doubt there'll be an official 'inquiry' once it's all over.
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Re: New Views over Megalithia

Postby spiral » 8:59 am

There are conspiracies aplenty on the Hospital Porters against The New World Order site.

So the very same lads who "produced" Mick's complementary Glastonbury video, who Mick "claims" not to know, turn out to be Conspiracy Theorists.

Coincidence, or not?

I think we should finally be told.

Will the real Mick Harper stand up.
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Re: New Views over Megalithia

Postby Mick Harper » 11:24 am

So 'Herr' Macausland, you believe in conspiracy theories being 'sometimes true' on the grounds that
a) the second greatest naval power in the world once made staff appreciations in case of hostilities with the first greatest naval power
b) that Edward Heath and other European 'visionaries' supposed that in the long term European integration had no particular limiting factor
c) that the Bilderberg Group was set up -- along with a whole bunch of similar bodies -- for bigwigs to commune. And it still meets.

Blimey, even by conspiracy-freak standards, you're easily aroused.
Mick Harper
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Re: New Views over Megalithia

Postby Mick Harper » 12:25 pm

The United States has just told the world that they have proof of the existence of chemical weapons of mass destruction in Syria so will be sending weapons to the rebels. No doubt there'll be an official 'inquiry' once it's all over.

No, there has never been any doubt that Syria holds chemical weapons. It is whether the Syrian government used said weapons that is at issue. It is true that this is a pretext for US intervention (the real reason being that the Syrian government is presently winning the war) but that is a diplomatic ruse not a conspiracy theory.

On the subject of official enquiries into these matters, I expect you are one of those people (I know all my friends are) who believe Tony Blair lied even though four enquiries, mainly hearing evidence in public, proved quite beyond any reasonable doubt that he didn't.
Mick Harper
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Re: New Views over Megalithia

Postby macausland » 2:05 pm

Tony Blair can walk on water.

Mind you the conspiracy theory about the Americans never actually getting to the moon was shown to be nonsense when it was proved on youtube that they did get there, but were chased away by the aliens living on the moon.
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Re: New Views over Megalithia

Postby hvered » 5:07 pm

macausland wrote:I wonder if you have any ideas on the 'Catalan Atlas' of 1375 drawn up by Abraham Cresques? ......
One of the lines appears to hit Land's End and continue in a north east direction towards a point north of the Thames where it carries on across the North Sea. Another line comes down from Ireland in a south easterly direction going through the Cornwall Devon area and on to France. ... Atlas.jpeg

The Catalan Atlas's north-south line from the north-west of Scotland (Iona?) and down the east coast of Ireland looks like it passes Land's End and the Scillies ending up at Cádiz, or rather its island (the site of the Castle of San Sebastián, now joined by a road to the mainland).

According to Google Earth this line goes via Gijón on the north coast of Spain, León on the east-west Compostela route and Salamanca. It was formerly a main drovers' route but presumably useful to all manner of merchants not wishing to chance Atlantic weather.
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Re: New Views over Megalithia

Postby macausland » 9:00 pm

What I find difficult to understand is why did they choose points of reference in the mid Atlantic to act as the points from which they drew their lines. How did they choose these points and why? Longitude, we are told was a much later development.
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