Going Round in Circles

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Re: Going Round in Circles

Postby kevin » 4:07 pm

TisILeclerc wrote: The natural whats?

How does it do it?

Are you saying that everything in the universe is part of a plasma field?

The natural whorls in crops, they do form circles at times.

Yes, all in universe is a consequence of consciousness , it forms dual whorl memories with polarity and equator.

Consciousness is what the megalithic structures were built to locally and globally manipulate.
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Re: Going Round in Circles

Postby TisILeclerc » 4:24 pm

The fields near me a long time ago were full of whorls.

But these had more to do with young ladies and their friends I think.

forms dual whorl memories with polarity and equator.

Sorry, I'm not sure what that means.

Are you also saying that megaliths have a consciousness?

Or do they heighten our own consciousness?
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Re: Going Round in Circles

Postby kevin » 4:37 pm

Everything is formed by and of consciousness.

The stone so called circles are accumulators of this to be utilised locally, to assist fertility of that local area, probably at a time when there was an imbalance of the duality of the flows of consciousness.

The circles' geometry creates a cross feature, where bloch walls ( neals walls) are detectable ( this is the basis of the zig zag inscriptions on many portals on dolmens.

Our megalithic ancestors were far more advanced in all of this than what We are presently, it's surely time to REMEMBER?
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Re: Going Round in Circles

Postby TisILeclerc » 4:46 pm

To have a consciousness you must be conscious.

What is this that is conscious and has the consciousness?

Are you saying that we are imagined by this consciousness?

To put it in a sort of religious way there was nothing except for God. Who then decided to create everything. What did he create it out of? Was he the source of the big bang, let there be light and there was light and all that? In which case we are all made of bits of God.

Or did he decide to imagine a universe rather like these virtual reality films the Americans like to make. All we are is a combination of plus and negatives, a part of the cosmic yin and yang?
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Re: Going Round in Circles

Postby kevin » 5:07 pm

No need for any invented god/s.
No big bang nonsense.

All of that is a cop out by those not willing to puzzle out universe, to invent a superior being to bow down to.

Consciousness creates all in 3D , and there are multiple dimensions in the same location.
Therefore all is a consequence of consciousness, and it carries all information in universe.

Unless the basics are sorted out and better comprehended You will just go around in circles.

But consciousness go's around in two circles of 720 degrees, which is why iot was depicted as a serpent eating its own tail.

The outside and inside of a circle of spinning consciousness that reverses at the heart centre....yin/yang.

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Re: Going Round in Circles

Postby TisILeclerc » 5:20 pm

Where does this consciousness come from?

Was it always there?
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Re: Going Round in Circles

Postby kevin » 5:34 pm

TisILeclerc wrote: Where does this consciousness come from?

Was it always there?

Yes, Omni present, but varies relative to the resistance/s created by very large stones ( planets) out in space.

I realise out of the ordinary I am proposing.

As above, so below.

relative to wherever You are located on the surface of this planet is a kind of mirror image of what is above.
This planet is not circular, it is a spheroid, with a bulge about the equator and flattened pole regions.

The Northern hemisphere's atmospheres' direction is counter-clockwise looking down on the pole, the Southern hemisphere clockwise. This is due to how consciousness is flowing, and every atom of atmosphere magnetically follows.

Our ancestors will have known all of this, they will have observed nature, with no written secondhand indoctrinations involved, just pure attunement to the universe.

We are the ignorant race on this planet now. Blind to how birds and bees and fish navigate, how plants and trees know there is no mythical gravity.

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Re: Going Round in Circles

Postby TisILeclerc » 5:52 pm

No gravity? I won't fall for that one?
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Re: Going Round in Circles

Postby kevin » 6:03 pm

TisILeclerc wrote:No gravity? I won't fall for that one?

Consciousness is of universe ( think of a pressure of universe.)
It flows inwards and outrushes( so called earth flows) from the planet.

Very simply......
The amount used up in creation reduces the outrush amount, therefore there is a net inrush into the planet ( so called gravity)

Consciousness in vast amounts is required for each atom ( hence when they release this it is very powerful ('atomic bomb')

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Re: Going Round in Circles

Postby TisILeclerc » 6:09 pm

Do these atoms know that they are conscious?
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